Are Hugo Sluimer and Mikko Pakkanen laundering money through Europe?


 Dominican Republic resident, accused money launderer and Tax evador Hugo Sluimer may have been funneling money through the European Union in the Netherlands to be exact through de Rabobank. Documents show that Sluimer ran money through Covast Development BV which is owned by his very close friend Rob Koster and run by Jerry Saffrie the CEO from Utrecht. Covast selected the Rabobank for a construction loan(s) and used Sluimer’s  money as down payments.

Hugo Sluimer
Hugo Sluimer  and Mikko Pakkanen

Sluimer (with Pakkanen) is accused of running a $50 million USD money laundering and tax evasion scheme using offshore companies and luxury real estate in Miami. Sluimer was booted out of Monaco for pretending to be a Monaco citizen and then quickly moved to the Dominican Republic where he recently married a local interior designer Yudelka Checo. Rob Koster accepted Sluimer’s money even though he knew that the money was questionable. Koster, Sluimer and Pakkanen were personally named in a stack of public documents where the money laundering and tax evasion scheme was first brought to light. Ironically Koster and Sluimer made the information public themselves and named Mikko Pakkanen too. Other emails show that he knew much earlier of the scheme but publically falsely claims to know nothing about it. 


Recent documents indicate that Rob Koster also represent Mikko Pakkanen who is a Monaco resident and the founder of E-Bros OY. Mikko Pakkanen is Hugo Sluimers business partner in the $50 million offshore “clean formula” scheme. It is not clear if Koster let Pakkanen invest money through his company Covast.

Hugo Sluimer threatens to visit child at FIFA soccer game 

Read More about Hugo Sluimer and Mikko Pakkanen

Read more about Rob Koster


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